Friday, 22 February 2013

How to copy stucture from a table ? How to copy stucture and data from a table ?

This article i help to you how to copy metadata(stucture) or metadata and data from a table. I will explain in oracle and teradata.

Oracle : Here i have a emp table. I want to copy emp data and stucture. Here is the solution to copy emp data and stucture.

Query: Create table emp_t as select * from emp where 1=1  ( in oracle)

Query: create table emp_t as (select * from emp) with data  ( in Teradata )

if you want copy only structure of emp table.Run the below query.

Query: create table emp_t as select * from emp where 1=2    ( in oracle )

Query: create table emp_t as (select * from emp) with no data (in Teradata)

drop your comments here if you know any other way to copy stucture and data.

How to create a user in Teradata and oracle

Syntax :Create user <username> from<dbc>

Query : CREATE USER sai
   FROM dbc
   PASSWORD = ***
   TEMPORARY = 5000000;

In oracle first create user then take permission from dba.

Syntax :create user <username> identified by <password>

Query : create user john identified by black;

Then take permission from dba

Query: grant dba to john;

If you are facing any problem in creating user in scott login, try below userid

password:as sysdba

First connect sqlplus user then after create user. 

Drop comment here, if any find any bugs in above query.

How to delete duplicate records in a table ?

For deleting duplicate records we have different ways.I have a Product_table.

Table name: product_table

product_id product_name
       1             xyz
       1             xyz
      30            abc
      30            abc
       5             ttt

Using rowid remove the duplicate records.This query will work only SQL

Syntax: delete from <table name> where rowid not in( select max(rowid) from <table_name> group by <col>);

Query: delete from product_table where rowid not in(select max(rowid) from
product_table group by product_id);

This is another way to delete duplicates. This will work in teradata.
here first create a set table with the definition  then insert the records into set table. Al ready we know the set table does not allow duplicate records. 

create set table product_table_t as (select * from product_table) with no data;

insert into product_table_t select * from product_table;

drop table product_table;

rename table product_table_t as product_table

using distinct, eliminating duplicate records

create temporary table with no data

Query : create table product_t as (select * from product_table) with no data

insert records in to table product_t with using distinct

insert into product_t select distinct * from product_table

drop the the product_table

rename table

rename table product_t as product

Please comment here if you know any other method of removing duplicates.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

How to identify a duplicate records in a table ?

Let us assume, i have a product_table with columns product_id, product_desc

Table name : product_table

Product_id Product_desc
10 XYZ
10 XYZ
20 ABC
20 ABC
30 TTT

by using group by and having we can find the duplicate records

Query : select product_id from product_table group by product_id having count(*)>1

Another way to find the duplicate records

Query : sel * qualify row_number() over(partition by product_id order by product_desc)>1 from product_table


Query: select product_id,product_desc,row_number() over(partition by product_id order by product_desc) r from product_table qualify r>1

Please drop comments here any other way is there to find the duplicate records.

Difference between Subquery and Corelated subquary ?

Sub query: 

1) Inner query executed first

2) Inner query executed only once

Corelated subquery:

1) Outer query executed first

2) Inner query executed many times

Please comment here for any mistake in above concept.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Importent Quaries

How to find max sal from emp table ?

Select max(sal) from emp

How to find 2nd max sal from emp ?

select max(sal) from emp where sal not in(select max(sal) from emp)

How to find 3rd max sal from emp table ?

select sal from(select sal from(select distinct sal from emp order by sal desc)where rownum<=3 order by sal asc)where rownum=1

How can view the data distribution in Teradata ?

By using hash function we can view the data distribution of rows for a choosen primary index.

Syntax : select hashamp(hashbucket(hashrow(<primary key>) "amp#", count(*) from <tablename> group by 1 order by 2 desc

Run the below query and you will see the data distribution. the below example is " emp " table

Query: select hashamp(hashbucket(hashrow(empno))) "amp#", count(*) from emp group by 1 order by 2 desc

How can view the 2763 errormessage in Teradata ?

Run the below query to find the error description

Query :select * from dbc.errormsgs where errorcode='2763'

How can get the all tables in a specific database ?

Select * from dbc.tables where databasename=<'database'>

Run the below query, you will get the all tables in specified database.

Select * from dbc.tables where databasename='sai'

How can we know collect statistics are done or not ?

Run the HELP STATISTICS on the table

Syntax : help statistics <table name>

This will give data and time when statistics were last collected. You will also see the statistics for the column

Query : help statistics emp

What is the difference between group by clause and having clause ?

Group by Clause:  It displays the data in specified group and mainly used in aggregation functions.

Having Clause: It filter the data based on group specified.